There was approximately 50 million tons of electric waste in 2019 alone. At Tech Titans Manchester we aim to recycle everything we can and where there are savings to be made, we then pass this on to our customers.

Environmentally Sustainable Approach
For certain items, we even offer customers refurbished or used parts which is cheaper. Our aim is to have an environmentally sustainable company with minimal waste, especially E-waste. We achieve this by doing the following

Screen Recycling
We recycle screens where possible – we have companies that collect majority of our old screens to have them refurbished and re used in the future. Some screen models even get brought back to us to be reused within a week.

Battery Recycling
Batteries are one of the biggest toxic e-waste items out there. At Tech Titans Manchester, rather than throwing them in to landfill (where they have the potential to start fires and leak chemicals in to the earth) we pay an external company to collect them and recycle them properly. This way, it’s one less battery in landfill and the precious materials in them are put to use again.

Device Dismantling
Some mobile phones and other devices are not feasible to repair as the costs outweigh the devices value. When this happens, we don’t refuse the customer but instead, we offer to buy the item or give them an in-store exchange voucher. This way, rather than the customer just keeping the broken device, we dismantle the device and make use of the working parts.